• Gallium Nitride for Advanced Power (GaN4AP)
    The GaN for Advanced Power (GaN4AP) project is an international collaborative project funded by the EU's ECSEL initiative. Worldwide, the number of hybrid and electric cars is growing steadily. This is accompanied by a greater need for high-performance electronics in charging technology. In order to meet the increasing demand, high power transformers based on Galium Nitride will be realized in this project with partners from Italy, Czech Republic, France and Germany. IMPT is participating in the project by manufacturing transformers and inductors in planar technology on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and Molded Interconnect Devices (MID). These are essential for driving and filtering the electrical signal. The planar structure meets the demands for miniaturization of electrical systems and simultaneous increase in performance.
    Year: 2021
    Funding: ECSEL (EU)
    Duration: 2021 - 2025
  • HARD - Hannover Alliance for Research on Diamond
    The IMPT, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Uwe Morgner (Institute of Quantum Optics, IQO), Prof. Dr. Michael Kues (Institute of Photonics, IOP), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Wurz (DLR Institute of Quantum Technology, University of Ulm), the Institute of Solid State Physics at the PTB Braunschweig and the AG Paasche (VIANNA, Medical School Hanover), has obtained a grant of 2.6 million euros for the expansion of regional infrastructure for research on the material diamond. In the infrastructure project "Hannover Alliance of Research on Diamond (HARD)", equipment for the production, structuring, and integration of diamond coatings will be procured and put into operation. With these measures, which are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the REACT-EU initiative, the infrastructure for diamond research will be significantly expanded. Future research topics in the fields of production technology, optics, quantum optics and gravitational physics, as well as biomedical technology will be supported.
    Led by: Prof. Dr. Uwe Morgner
    Year: 2022
    Funding: REACT-EU EFRE
    Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.03.2023