Division Micro- and Nanointegration Division Micro- and Nanointegration Division Micro- and Nanointegration © IMPT/Petring

Micro- and Nanointegration

In the context of digitization, the acquisition of process data in a modern production environment plays a central role. On the one hand, basic research provides a deeper understanding of the technical process and on the other hand, process parameters can be optimized with regard to resource-efficient production. The customized development of novel sensors as a link between the process and the digital world is therefore one of the core tasks of the research division for Micro- and Nanointegration.

Furthermore, biomedical applications are the subject of research, which are based on magnetic sensor and actuator technologies. These include, for example, the integration of pressure sensors in flexible tissue-like and biocompatible materials or the excitation of the human cochlea as a hearing aid.
In addition, general topics of magnetics also fall into our field, such as the construction of microinductors, transformers and measuring systems or instruments, whereby we prefer to conduct application-oriented research and therefore seek proximity to industry.